Your profile doesn't get many clicks? Use our tips to write a dating site profile that will make other singles click with you
- Think about what makes you click on a profile
- Choose your profile pictures carefully
- Keep it real
- Avoid generic statements
- Include things you’d like to do that would include a partner
- Make it fun and/or funny
- Treat your profile as an appetizer
- Don’t reveal your deal breakers all at once
- Keep your profile current
- Spell check. Always spell check!!
Creating a good profile for online dating might seem hard. You have plenty of amazing traits, but listing them feels strange and can be quite embarrassing. Yet, it's important to get used to it because these details are exactly what potential matches want to discover about you!
They aren't looking to hear that you clean up only when expecting company; they're interested in the positive aspects. They want to know the qualities that make you a great person to go out with and possibly the right partner for them. What are these qualities?
Where should you start? Below are our essential tips for a profile that will attract visitors and encourage them to find out more. Once you feel ready with all the necessary information, why not register on a dating site and test your new profile?
1. Think about what makes you click on a profile
What catches your eye on profiles that you read? What makes you intrigued? Chances are the type of person that you are seeking would share a similar interest in those things. Write a profile that you would like to click on.
2. Choose your profile pictures carefully
Different sites allow different numbers of pics, but try to at least include an up close photo of your face (people fall in love with dreamy eyes and cheeky smiles) as well as a full body shot (so many people lie on dating sites that many are now jaded) and a pic that shows insight into your life such as you travelling, playing your favourite sport, spending time with your pets etc.
The exception here is probably uploading a pic with your children. Sure be proud of them, but for privacy it is probably best to only reveal these pics when you are comfortable with someone.
Also, avoid using group pics. It’s nice to show that you have friends and an active social life, but it’s frustrating to have to work out who the person in the profile is. Your friends probably don’t want to be on your dating profile either. Another thing, please don't use your old photos with attractive girls, most especially your ex-girlfriends! Showing that your a ladies man really, really, really won't get you matches. Plus, it might come off that you're still not over your ex! Yikes!
Another thing is to select pictures that have a variety on them. Have at least 50 percent of your profile photos that don't have filter enhancements. This is to show the most authentic you which will attract more "real people" to click on your profile. Also, have some pictures that show your beautiful body and not necessarily sexy or nude! Just give a little something for the guys and girls to look forward to.
Finally, guys it’s best to not overdo the shirtless beach shots even if you have a six pack good enough for you to audition for Magic Mike 3. And girls, try and limit your duck face selfies to about 99 less than Kim Kardashian posts per day!
3. Keep it real
It is very important to always be honest in your profile. Making yourself out to sound like Superman or Wonder Woman will attract a lot of attention, but you will be setting yourself up to fail by starting a relationship, even a friendship, with a lie. So unless you intend to turn up to that first date wearing a cape, speak the truth and use realistic pictures.
4. Avoid generic statements
EVERYONE says that they love to travel – because everyone does! No one is going to say that they prefer staying at home with their 18 cats and if you by chance do prefer that, you’re probably not the type that is online and looking to date!
It’s ok to say that you love to travel, but back the claim up. Where have you been? What is on your hit list to travel to next? What kind of holiday do you like? Are you the type that should ALWAYS take out the best travel insurance as you need speed, action and adventure? Or are beaches and resorts more your style?
Studies found that individuals with more original profiles were not seen as strange. Originality is key to attractive dating profiles.
5. Include things you’d like to do that would include a partner
Writing about how you love to read or write poems will make you sound scholarly and intelligent, but it’s not an activity that you could share with your potential future partner. Do you like to cook? Could you picture romantic nights at home making the perfect pasta sauce together? Do you like taking long drives to the country? Going to the beach? Hiking? Show that you have room for someone in your life and give them a feel for what life with you would be like.
6. Make it fun and/or funny
I bet if we took a random poll right now, we wouldn’t find anyone who doesn’t like to laugh. It’s human nature. So try and include some humour in your profile that suits your personality. Not everyone loves dad jokes or being punny (<- see what I did there??), but if that is your thing, it could help you find your perfect match.
7. Treat your profile as an appetizer
Don’t give everything away in your profile. It should provide insight into the type of person you are to create interest and to stimulate conversation when you first start chatting to someone. There will be plenty of time to discuss your childhood holidays on your first date, or maybe leave that until the 5th or 6th date.
8. Don’t reveal your deal breakers all at once
We all have them. Some people 100% will not date a smoker, or someone with children, or even a vegetarian for those that the smell of bacon cooking is like an aphrodisiac. And it is fine to be honest about those things that you just know would be a deal breaker, but it can be seen as a very negative thing to list all the things that you don’t want in a partner in a profile. Focus on you, it’s your ‘advertisement’ and tell the world what your key selling points are instead.
9. Keep your profile current
If your profile says you can’t wait for Christmas and it’s May, you either look like a tragic Christmas freak, or a lazy one that has been on the market far too long. Review it every month or so to make sure it is up to date and relevant.
This goes for pictures too. Don’t put a picture from 10 years ago and expect that you look the same – unless you have discovered a magic cure for aging, and if you have, hook me up ok?!
10. Spell check. Always spell check!!
This is always a big no-no for dating profiles. Take some time and care with writing your profile, and read through it for grammatical errors. It may seem superficial, but many feel that if you can’t be bothered with spell check, you can’t be bothered putting effort into dating a partner.
Did you know that nearly half of online daters have been sent messages with little to no punctuation – and such schoolboy errors are ruining chances of intimacy, with the majority admitting they are put off by a lousy message while “sexting” a partner? Most would dump a lover for sloppy writing, as it suggests laziness. And to top it all, most online daters believe that "text talk" is a turn-off, such as WUU2 ("what are you up to?") or LOL ("laugh out loud").
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