- This test review will not be updated anymore.
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I put in a radius and people show up from scotland and england yet i live in n.ireland.
I DON'T RECOMMEND LUMEN...I LEFT THIS SITE BECAUSE THEY SAID THEY HAD ''SEVERAL'' REPORTS OF ME SPREADING HATE SPEECH. LIES!! 'Several reports'. I... joined a few months ago, no problems, had passing chats but no one of interest. Then yesterday a man messaged me 'Ryan' lol. I looked at his profile as I always do and saw he was a muslim. I asked what his opinion was on halal torture, muslim rape gangs and terrorism. He was offended for some reason and reported me to the site. Where's the hate speech, towards who? The subject itself is so horrendous so seen as hate, but that's not my fault and I'm a curious person. I wasn't allowed to ask. What? I don't know, you tell me. SEVERAL REPORTS. I received a ONE AND ONLY WARNING today because of these SEVERAL reports. I was told to click 'I understand' and won't do it again, sorry sorry. No, bye bye Lumen. lol «»
I think it's cool
This app is a fraudulent scam! This review correctly reports that the upgrade amounts are confusing and hard to navigate. DON'T MAKE THE MISTAKE OF ... SIMPLY TRYING THE PAID SUBSCRIPTION FOR 1 MONTH! It will automatically charge you for THREE months and then.... NO MATTER HOW QUICKLY YOU DISCOVER THEIR MISTAKE-ON PURPOSE CHARGE-- they refuse to refund, per their refund policy? They are in violation of their own refund policy, not to mention they are in violation of Google Play Store guidelines with regard to refunds! BEWARE!! «»